"Why so expensive?" When you get that question from a prospect, a few things could have happened. Here are 2:
What do you think are other reasons for them to ask this? |
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Those are actually the little things that go unnoticed —until they don't. Not taking responsibility for what's going on. Misleading with promises that will not happen. Over promising. Under promising and over delivering. Ghosting your clients. Ignoring them when they know you're there. Working (constantly) for free. Focusing on revenue and sales. Inaction. The list can go on and on and on. You get the gist of it. The fix? Caring for your customers.
If your prospects think that what you offer is too good to be true in comparison the competition, raise your price 3X.... or 5X. Only then they will seriously consider buying from you. Too good to be true: too risky (there's a catch). Too good to be true + high price: makes sense, it's a lower risk. Same offering, different contexts.
Sure, sure. "Politics don't belong to business". You've heard it all. Here's the BUT: Every business is an activist. Either progressive, neutral or regressive. Choosing not to choose is a choice.