You need to be at least 10% cheaper than your competition

That's the usual approach price-driven prospects (especially purchasing, procurement —or the accountant) will take on you to lower your price. And it's fine. It's their job to do that. And they're trained to do so.

Now, whatever they say is not mandatory for you.

You can always say

"Thanks for this. This doesn't feel like a good fit. So I'll pass."

"Out of curiosity... where's this number coming from?"

"We could explore something like this. I'm curious, though... what is it that made you talk to me re: this project? The (unknown) price?"

If everything they focus on is "the price" and not on what it brings to them, or the impact it'll have in the business, you're talking to the wrong person. These are the budget keepers, not the value creators.

Find the ones who care about the value (aka what matters for the business and the impact of the implementation).

Or walk away.

You can always walk away. :)

Rod Aparicio

Get one tip, question, or belief-challenge that just might change the way you market, to help your customers buy. A *daily* email for b2b founders on improving your business —without the bullshit.

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